Glensol, 皇冠体育app公司的现场操作和设备维护子公司, in cooperation with the National Aviation Academy held a Training Programme for technicians of SOCAR’s Azneft Production Union (PU).
The aim of the ‘Training of the personnel providing technical service to equipment operated in the oil and gas industry’ was to furnish technicians with all necessary knowledge and skills.
The Training Programme was delivered by the technical specialists of Glensol and academic staff of the National Aviation Academy for the technical-mechanics, electrical and electronical personnel of the 28 May and Oil Rocks Oil and Gas Extraction Departments of the Azneft PU at the Academy’s facilities.
培训计划完成后, Azneft PU举办了一场活动,向项目参与者颁发证书.
Shahmar Huseynov, 阿兹涅夫特公司总经理, 谁向学员介绍证书, said: “We acknowledge the importance of advancing technical skills and capabilities of employees in this increasingly demanding world. 为此目的, 我们加入了这个节目, 这是由格伦索尔和国家航空学院专业交付的吗.
衷心祝贺所有学员圆满完成这一创造价值的课程, 我祝愿他们在未来的努力中一切顺利。”.
帖木儿阿利耶夫, Glensol总经理表示:“Glensol长期以来一直支持Azneft PU的维护、维修和运营项目, but starting to train our valued colleagues of the partner company is a major step forward in opening a new page in our cooperation.
另外一点, 我想强调格伦索尔与美国国家航空学院卓有成效的伙伴关系的重要性. 与学院签订的协议, 去年, 为提供高水平的技术培训打下了坚实的基础吗. I am confident that by joining our forces we can further expand the geography of our services and offer our training services to our existing and 潜在的 overseas customers too.”
成立于2012年, 作为皇冠体育app公司的现场操作和设备维护子公司, Glensol一直是值得信赖的供应商,为本地和国际石油和天然气公司提供旋转设备, 包括涡轮机械服务和控制, 运营和维护服务- SOCAR, bp, 以及该地区和世界各地的其他主要能源公司.
进一步的信息: www.glensol.az
诺贝尔的能量, 是NEQSOL Holding的一部分, is pleased to announce that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Ministry of Energy of Azerbaijan on the development of a 100MW solar power plant in Jabrayil district of Azerbaijan. 这一发展符合国家将该地区转变为绿色能源区的方针.
联合开发的100兆瓦光伏太阳能发电厂将分两个阶段进行. 初始阶段, 由50兆瓦, 计划在2027年完工吗, 剩余容量将在随后几年内安装.
该电厂的目标是每年发电约1.8亿千瓦时, 为大约58人提供电力,000户家庭. 工厂的建设阶段将雇佣600名员工, 虽然它的启用将创造80个永久性工作岗位.
Vugar Samadli, 皇冠体育app首席执行官 said: “We are excited for the opportunity to be part of the region’s green transformation plans which is consistent with 诺贝尔的能量’s strategic intent to contribute to a lower carbon future in the region and beyond. 注重效率和安全, 我们技术精湛、久经考验的工程师团队, 设计师, 而技术人员是任何规模太阳能发电项目成功实施的原动力."
与Azerenerji商定并签署了一份概述一系列活动的定制技术协议, 是全国主要的电力生产和输电系统运营商. 另外, 该项目地块已获得贾布拉伊勒区有关政府机构的批准.
目前, 相关投资协议, 购电协议, 和电网连接协议正在与阿塞拜疆能源部和Azerenerji联合制定.
皇冠体育app集团, 是NEQSOL Holding的一部分, 是综合能源生产吗, Development and Services Company committed to contributing to the global transition towards a 可持续发展的 and low-carbon future. 通过利用可信赖的专业知识, 集成解决方案, 先进的技术, 战略合作伙伴关系, 以及对创新的高度重视, 诺贝尔的能量 has positioned itself as a 可靠的 partner in delivering complex and 可持续发展的 infrastructure projects across the globe.
诺贝尔的能量 (是NEQSOL Holding的一部分) is pleased to announce its support for an educational program aimed to discover 30 high-潜在的 youth from underprivileged families aspiring to attend top-ranked international universities and equip them with the required knowledge and skills.
这个项目, 由一家合格且成功的教育公司Roof Academic Training实施的, will see the support of exceptionally talented young minds from low-income families in their pursuit of higher education in high-ranking universities. 除了为雅思等重要考试做准备, SAT, GRE, GMAT, 和托福, 该项目还在申请大学和奖学金的过程中提供帮助.
该项目针对的是2023-2024学年申请大学的学生, 并计划于2024年9月出国继续深造.
奖学金项目的选拔工作已经开始, 它是通过一个细致的6个阶段进行的, 包括最初的问卷评估, 英语水平检查, 个人面试, 专家意见, home-family访问, 最后的评估. 在这些阶段中, 候选人是根据学业成绩进行评估的, 课外活动, 社会保障水平, 潜在的, desire, 和活动, 作为评价的主要标准.
Vugar Samadli, 皇冠体育app首席执行官, said: "The initiative fully aligns with both the country’s and 诺贝尔的能量’s vision to empower youth to secure placements in high-ranking universities to contribute to the development of human capital in our country. 这个成功的项目, that has already helped to nurture educational aspirations of a number of high-潜在的 youth from low-income families, 反映了我们对在阿塞拜疆建立一个更有弹性和更光明的未来的承诺和微薄的贡献."
皇冠体育app集团, 是NEQSOL Holding的一部分, 是综合能源生产吗, Development and Services Company committed to contributing to the global transition towards a 可持续发展的 and low-carbon future. 通过利用可信赖的专业知识, 集成解决方案, 先进的技术, 战略合作伙伴关系, 以及对创新的高度重视, 诺贝尔的能量 has positioned itself as a 可靠的 partner in delivering complex and 可持续发展的 infrastructure projects across the globe.
这是我们的首席运营官Eldar Mamedzadeh在迪拜COP28上发表的演讲.
首先, I would like to greet everyone here and thank the COP28 hosts for excellently organized event and express our gratitude to the Ministry of Energy, Natural Resources of the Republic of Azerbaijan and AREA (Azerbaijan Renewable Energy Agency) for granting 诺贝尔的能量 a privilege to share our vision at such supreme platform dedicated to global climate discourse.
我们生活在一个前所未有的环境挑战的时代,这些挑战每天都影响着我们所有人. 气候变化, 脱碳, 碳捕获关系到我们所有人, 无论是作为国家, 企业, 或者个人. It all makes us to rethink and redefine our growth route to ensure that produced energy should not only be affordable, 可持续发展的, 可靠的, 但也很干净.
Today, the world is going through an era of energy transition and I am proud that my country aims to be front runner in this transformation process. 阿塞拜疆总统, 伊利哈姆·阿利耶夫阁下为阿塞拜疆制定了一个雄心勃勃的目标,使其成为一个重要的电力供应国, 绿色能源生产, 到欧洲. Azerbaijan’s clean energy goal is set to generate more than 30 percent of its overall energy capacity from renewables by 2030.
Allow me to introduce 诺贝尔的能量 – a Group of companies with nearly 20 years of experience in the energy and 建设 services fields, 目前在四大洲的11个国家开展业务, 主要业务在阿塞拜疆和美国.
皇冠体育app公司提供了综合工程, 建设, 采购和供应链管理, 钻井, 制造; and maintenance, 为石油和天然气提供维修和操作服务, 电力和水利工业, 为国家石油公司等主要能源巨头服务.
致力于可持续发展和环境责任, 皇冠体育app公司在2021年制定了一项新战略, 从石油和天然气服务公司转型为综合钻井生产公司, 开发服务公司. 我们已将清洁能源投资确定为我们实现大幅增长的关键途径.
我们致力于促进阿塞拜疆的绿色倡议,这使我们投资于可再生能源项目 在纳希切万等战略地区以及新解放的卡拉巴赫和东赞加祖尔地区, 被政府确定为关键绿色区域.
In June of this year we reached a significant milestone by signing a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Ministry of Energy of Azerbaijan for the phased development of overall 400MW of solar power plants in Nakhchivan, 既可本地使用,也可出口.
预计400兆瓦太阳能发电站的平均寿命为25年,预计将减轻4,680,000吨的碳排放. 装机容量400MW,年发电能力800GWh, 等于255的幂,000户家庭.
Another 诺贝尔的能量 undertaking will see the development of a 100MW Solar Power Station in the liberated Jabrayil region of East Zangazur. 预计在其25年的使用寿命内将减少117万吨的碳排放. 该电站预计年发电量为175GWh, 满足大约56人的需求,000户家庭, greatly contributing to the region’s energy security and 可持续发展的 socio-economic growth without harming its unique geography. 我们将很快开始执行这两个太阳能发电站.
We want to take pride for both of these projects that carry strategic and symbolic significance for the country and our company. They symbolize a pivotal transformation for Nakhchivan by reshaping it from an energy-dependent region into an exporter of clean energy. 第二个项目象征着韧性之光, 复兴曾经充满活力的贾布拉伊勒地区,该地区因占领而遭受了三十年的破坏.
是什么让皇冠体育app有信心承担如此关键的项目? 而是我们丰富的专业知识和能力, 建立在几十年的经验之上, 有远见的策略, 适应性转变. 这些资产不仅使我们能够成为绿色能源生产商, 同时也使我们能够为跨领域的客户提供创新的端到端解决方案.
我们的奉献不仅仅是生产能源. 我们坚定地致力于减少温室气体排放的影响. 通过我们的碳捕获线, 诺贝尔的能量 is leading the way with 可靠的 solutions that help heavy industries cut their carbon footprint using carbon capture and storage technology, 符合严格的低碳燃料标准.
对于陆上石油和天然气设施来说,从长远来看,他们的目标是减少碳排放, 我们有专业知识和能力来满足他们的碳捕获需求.
举个例子, we've designed an offshore platform specifically for injecting and storing CO2 in shallow waters of the Gulf of Mexico. 这个平台, 为远程操作而构建, 采用一流的自动化可靠的功能和监控. 这意味着更少的维护行程, 更低的风险, 以及更高的运营和生产效率, 最重要的是管理他们的二氧化碳排放量.
我们也是创新工程的先驱, 制造, 以及模块化加工和处理系统的组装, 我们对能源可持续性的承诺延伸到可再生天然气等前沿技术, 制氢, 气体蒸馏, 所有这些都重新定义了可持续能源解决方案.
展望未来, 皇冠体育app的目标是在未来十年建立一个创新和可持续的能源生态系统, 目标是装机容量达到5GW的热电和可再生能源发电能力.
我们的路线图涉及战略投资, 合作伙伴关系, 多样化的运营模式, 最初的联络点在阿塞拜疆, 随后在整个地区扩张.
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